Thursday, September 29, 2011

Is there a something deadly that conventional medicine is ignoring?

Killer fungi vs medical ignorance

a personal story by Bobby Stamen

Based on my own experience of what I’ve been going through over the last few years has been unforgivable and so bloody unfair that I can’t even find the words to show you how I feel I’ve been treated by my surgery and the NHS. It’s shocking! Candida can be a serious illness many doctors fail to acknowledge or even treat due to the great symptoms and side effects that many patients’ experience. When this condition enters the bloodstream and spreads. If left untreated, it can kill.

The sad fact is that most of us think we have amazing doctors who are suppose to pick us up when we’re ill and fix us, unfortunately this is far from being true. The truth is they can pick and choose who they help live and who they let die. We pay for this expensive service, so why as tax payers are we not able to get the service that we so desperately need?

A few years ago I became so seriously ill and was faced with major decisions concerning my health, my love life, my career, my diet, my friends and all that was important to me after I had been told by my consultant ‘’we think it’s cancer’’. I had become intolerant to everything, my life was not worth living. I’d have allergy attacks to all chemicals, car fumes, household products, paints, medicines, aromatherapy oils, moisturising lotions, nearly all foods and anything else you can think of. It got to a stage when I couldn’t even leave the house.

I was going back and forth to my GP and the hospital and I simply wasn’t getting anywhere. They always referred me to someone else who knew nothing about what I was going through. Even when tests were done, the correct results were not being written. All the doctors were willing to talk to me about a growth, lump, tumor verbally, but none of them were willing to write anything relevant. When I went for an ultrasound, two doctors picked up growths either side of my kidneys and said it would be dealt with next time. Next time never came, next time was about me looking like an idiot.

I was coming down with more and more symptoms that I simply wasn’t familiar with and it terrified me. I was always exhausted, I felt sick, my muscles ached constantly, I had palpitations, I was shivering all the time, I was a bloated size 18 and everyone I ever met thought I was at least 6 months pregnant as the rest of my body was a slim size 12, my kidneys caused me pain nearly everyday, my skin used to smell of urine, my chest was wheezing, I had arthritis, constipation and when I did pass a stool it was always blood with thick curly white jelly tissue and I even began to slur as if I was tipsy at all times. I developed hay-fever which I’d never had before. I was coming down with all-sorts as my immune system was so weak and my God was I a complete and utter mess. It was so disgusting at how many symptoms I had & how little help I received from the medical profession.

I asked my GP to have me tested for various allergies but I was told this would not give me answers that I needed and it would be a waste of time. It got to a point when every time I asked to be referred to another specialist, I had to argue my point across just so that someone else could help me further. Specialists started to refer me to psychologists which I refused to go to as I knew that there was nothing wrong with me mentally and all my symptoms were of a physical nature. Being referred to psychologists started to hurt me more emotionally than the physical symptoms that I was experiencing. I felt so helpless, so humiliated of being treated like an idiot and so alone that all I could do was cry. When I needed their help the most, I was pushed away and told that everything I was saying was ‘’rubbish and I was imagining it’’. Can you imagine going through the same thing when you are so desperately ill and when you’ve just been told you’ve got cancer?

Having had two other tests, I was told I had IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) and was put on special tablets and magnesium. The subject of cancer was now somehow invisible. I tried to find out more but the subject was closed. Then I went for an endoscopy, after the test the doctor asked me; ‘’Do you eat many foods with yeast?‘’ The only thing I could think of was bread. So I said; ‘’No’’. She replied; ‘’Strange, you have a thrush overgrowth’’. And to that remark, I knew I had possibly found my answer. Having gone back to my consultant, I was feeling really happy to know that someone had some answers. Unfortunately, my consultant said; ‘’nothing was picked up’’. I felt numb and in shock. I tried to reason with him but he simply brought everything to a close. Every time I tried to see him after that, I was always seen by someone else instead.

Not long after, I met a wonderful person while visiting my dad in hospital after an operation he had. While speaking to this man, I found out that he was a psychologist who had a wife as a senior nurse. She became seriously ill and experienced just as many symptoms as I. He said they went through about 20 hospitals and 9 psychologists and simply got no where. He said it was dreadful. Finally she went for a simple food intolerancy test and found out she was highly intolerant to wheat. He encouraged me to go and do the same. I did and I found out I was highly intolerant to ‘’yeast’’. Is it so difficult for our doctors to educate themselves a little more on food allergies and the damages that they cause?

I spent a whole year on a yeast free diet and most of my symptoms went away. I felt heaps better. I came off my IBS tablets eight and half moths later and was told by my consultant that ‘’no one ever comes off these tablets, once you’re on them, you’re on them for life’’. He was the one asking me questions this time. I knew I had done something really amazing and it was all through the diet. I felt so proud. Although I was still unable to use any anti-fungals, but I believed I would one day.

When Christmas came I found I wanted to stuff my face with all the crap that I used to eat not realising what the consequences would be. I became very ill and stayed ill, I was simply not able to reverse the symptoms and I knew I was in big trouble. My diet was not enough, my body craved necessary nutrients that I wasn’t able to get from food. I needed something else but I simply didn’t know what. I went back to my GP and I felt so helpless. After receiving more crap, I burst into tears and cried my eyes out in front of her, which probably gave her even more reasons to believe that I was going mad.

I was thoroughly encouraged to buy a bottle of top quality Aloe Vera Gel, but I was very reluctant to try it as I knew I would react. The man selling it promised me that I would never find anything else that would help me more than this as it saved his life too. I knew my body couldn’t take it but I was determined to try as I had no other choice. I started with a sip of 1 teaspoon in a mug of water every two nights, just so that my body could get used to it. As soon as I felt I would react, I flushed it down with more water or milk. I started to feel refreshed and I could see better. I started to build up on the dose and the strength and within three and a half months I was drinking the full dose on its own and was feeling great. Not long after, I had been invited by my sponsor to join the business, which I did. Now the Gel goes everywhere I go. 

The symptoms had cleared and I was getting stronger, I was even able to use anti-fungals even though I didn’t ever manage to get through the die-off phases as the symptoms were so severe and caused great pain, but I never gave up. I just kept on rebuilding and drinking many herbals, repetitively.

Then a couple of months ago, I reacted badly to some chemicals which were used where I live. I was in so much unbearable pain for 3 weeks and I was sweating everyday. I struggled to drink or eat anything to replace what I’d lost as it made me feel so sick. I finally went into casualty and was examined by two doctors. I had to refuse all medicines due to the symptoms my overgrowth causes. Both doctors verbally discussed the pain from the lump with me and neither of them put it in writing. They wrote about everything else, but not the lump and the pain that was coming from it. It was referred to it as ‘’rib pain’’ instead.

I even provided one of the doctors with information regarding Chronic Candida and how it can grow tumors and colonies of fungi in the body which can lead to a possible cause in cancer. I also forwarded a letter literally begging him to write down what he had found. Unfortunately, having received a well thought out reply, written with care. It’s obvious to me now that he can’t. But why should that matter? I’m only a another piece of meat at the end of the day and it’s not his life that he’s playing with!

I also told him that I heard of another girl who went through everything that I’ve been through with this condition. She had six tumors which were treated individually twice, every two weeks with anti-fungals and antihistamines. She then stayed on the diet to clear it completely and she got her life back. Can someone please do the same thing for me!

I’m finding it very difficult to rebuild my body again. Anything that goes wrong, I can’t treat it. If I’m in pain, I can’t take painkillers. If I have an infection, I struggle to treat it. If I have an accident, I could end up dead. The medical profession needs to stop running away from fungi. It is a very important subject that needs to be studied in much greater depth and not ignored anymore. More tests need to be made available, so the patient doesn’t need to go through uncomfortable endoscopies and wait for several months to have it done. Testing for fungi should be as normal as testing for anything else. I believe that this may save millions from many serious and unnecessary illnesses in the future, only if it starts being recognized now. Otherwise, God help us all! I really need to get out of this mess so I can start living again. I am still a young person and I believe that there is more to life than living like this. Written by Bobby Stamen.
Cancer is a Fungus

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

A Shark and Her Man...


The French Magazine "Le magazine des voyages de pĂȘche" in its 56th edition, brought up an amazing news.
An astonishing love story.
"Arnold Pointer a professional fisherman from south of Australia set free from a certain death a big female White Shark that was caught in his fishing nets. Now the fisherman has a problem.
He says:
"It's been 2 years and she doesn't leave me alone. She follows me everywhere I go and her presence scares all the fishes. I don't know what to do anymore."
It is hard to get rid of an almost 17 feet long shark since the White Sharks are protected by the wildlife conservation, but a mutual affection established between Arnold and "Cindy".

Arnold Says:
"Once I stop the boat she comes to me, she turns on her back and let me pet her belly and neck, she grunts, turn her eyes, and move her fins up and down hitting the water happily..."

Monday, September 26, 2011

The Whole World Is Watching...

Watch live streaming video from globalrevolution at

Please tell me you're not still using Aspartame...

Learning to 'Live Free' comes from experience and personal growth ... Lets break our conditioning!

European Patent Application EP0036258: The artificial sweetener aspartame, a dipeptide with the formula Asp-Phe-me, is produced using a cloned microorganism. A DNA which codes for a large stable peptide comprised of the repeating amino acid sequence (Asp-Phe)n is inserted into a cloning vehicle which in turn is introduced into a suitable host microorganism. The host microorganism is cultured and the large peptide containing the repeating Asp-Phe sequence is harvested therefrom. The free carboxyl group of the large peptide is benzylated and then hydrolyzed to benzyl Asp-Phe dipeptides. This dipeptide is methylated and then debenzylated to form aspartame.

Sound natural to you?

Aspartame's Hidden Dangers

If a product is approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and composed of natural ingredients, would you assume it is safe to consume?
If the same product is an artificial sweetener, would you assume it helps control your weight?
Millions of people use aspartame, the artificial sweetener known as NutraSweet™, with these assumptions in mind.
Aspartame can be found in thousands of products such as:
  • instant breakfasts
  • breath mints
  • cereals
  • sugar-free chewing gum
  • cocoa mixes
  • coffee beverages
  • frozen desserts
  • gelatin desserts
  • juice beverages
  • laxatives
  • multivitamins
  • milk drinks
  • pharmaceuticals and supplements, including over-the-counter medicines
  • shake mixes
  • soft drinks
  • tabletop sweeteners
  • tea beverages
  • instant teas and coffees
  • topping mixes
  • wine coolers
  • yogurt
However, aspartame's tainted history of approval and potentially toxic ingredients cast serious doubt on the safety of this sugar substitute. Furthermore, aspartame may actually increase your appetite (Farber 52).
While the FDA approval may signal the green light for safe consumption, 85 percent of all complaints registered with the FDA are for adverse reactions to aspartame, including five reported deaths. A closer look at the unscientific studies, suspicious approval methods, and its harmful ingredients, reveal the hidden dangers of this artificial sweetener. In reality, aspartame poses a public health threat.

Ailments Resulting From Aspartame

The components of aspartame can lead to a wide variety of ailments. Some of these problems occur gradually while others are immediate, acute reactions. A few of the many disorders associated with aspartame include the following:
  • Birth Defects
A study funded by Monsanto to study possible birth defects caused by consuming aspartame was cut off after preliminary data showed damaging information about aspartame. Additionally, in the book, While Waiting: A Prenatal Guidebook, it is stated that aspartame is suspected of causing brain damage in sensitive individuals. A fetus may be at risk for these effects. Some researchers have suggested that high doses of aspartame may be associated with problems ranging from dizziness and subtle brain changes to mental retardation.
  • Cancer (Brain Cancer)
In 1981, an FDA statistician stated that the brain tumor data on aspartame was so "worrisome" that he could not recommend approval of NutraSweet.(14)
In a two-year study conducted by the manufacturer of aspartame, twelve of 320 rats fed a normal diet and aspartame developed brain tumors while none of the control rats developed tumors, and five of the twelve tumors were in rats given a low dose of aspartame.(15)
The approval of aspartame was a violation of the Delaney Amendment, which was supposed to prevent cancer-causing substances such as methanol (formaldehye) and DKP from entering our food supply. A late FDA toxicologist testified before the U.S. Congress that aspartame was capable of producing brain tumors. This made it illegal for the FDA to set an allowable daily intake at any level. He stated in his testimony that Searle's studies were "to a large extent unreliable" and that "at least one of those studies has established beyond any reasonable doubt that aspartame is capable of inducing brain tumors in experimental animals ... " He concluded his testimony by asking, "What is the reason for the apparent refusal by the FDA to invoke for this food additive the so-called Delaney Amendment to the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act? ... And if the FDA itself elects to violate the law, who is left to protect the health of the public?"(16)
In the mid-1970s it was discovered that the manufacturer of aspartame falsified studies in several ways. One of the techniques used was to cut tumors out of test animals and put them back in the study. Another technique used to falsify the studies was to list animals that had actually died as surviving the study. Thus, the data on brain tumors was likely worse than discussed above. In addition, a former employee of the manufacturer of aspartame told the FDA on July 13, 1977 that the particles of DKP were so large that the rats could discriminate between the DKP and their normal diet.(12)
  • Diabetes
The American Diabetes Association (ADA) is actually recommending this chemical poison to persons with diabetes, but according to research conducted by a diabetes specialist, aspartame: 1) Leads to the precipitation of clinical diabetes. 2) Causes poorer diabetic control in diabetics on insulin or oral drugs. 3) Leads to the aggravation of diabetic complications such as retinopathy, cataracts, neuropathy and gastroparesis. 4) Causes convulsions.
In a statement concerning the use of products containing aspartame by persons with diabetes and hypoglycemia, the researchers says:
"Unfortunately, many patients in my practice, and others seen in consultation, developed serious metabolic, neurologic and other complications that could be specifically attributed to using aspartame products. This was evidenced by the loss of diabetic control, the intensification of hypoglycemia, the occurrence of presumed 'insulin reactions' (including convulsions) that proved to be aspartame reactions, and the precipitation, aggravation or simulation of diabetic complications (especially impaired vision and neuropathy) while using these products ... Dramatic improvement of such features after avoiding aspartame, and the prompt predictable recurrence of these problems when the patient resumed aspartame products, knowingly or inadvertently."
Another researcher stated that excitotoxins such as those found in aspartame can precipitate diabetes in persons who are genetically susceptible to the disease.(5)
  • Emotional Disorders
In a double blind study of the effects of aspartame on persons with mood disorders, findings showed a large increase in serious symptoms for persons taking aspartame. Since some of the symptoms were so serious, the Institutional Review Board had to stop the study. Three of the participants had said that they had been "poisoned" by aspartame. Researchers concluded that "individuals with mood disorders are particularly sensitive to this artificial sweetener; its use in this population should be discouraged."(18) One researcher stated about aspartame, "I know it causes seizures. I'm convinced also that it definitely causes behavioral changes. I'm very angry that this substance is on the market. I personally question the reliability and validity of any studies funded by the NutraSweet Company."(19)
Additionally, there are numerous reported cases of low brain serotonin levels, depression and other emotional disorders that have been linked to aspartame and often are relieved by stopping the intake of aspartame.
  • Epilepsy/Seizures
With the large and growing number of seizures caused by aspartame, it is sad to see that the Epilepsy Foundation is promoting the "safety" of aspartame. At Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 80 people who had suffered seizures after ingesting aspartame were surveyed. Community Nutrition Institute concluded the following about the survey:
"These 80 cases meet the FDA's own definition of an imminent hazard to the public health, which requires the FDA to expeditiously remove a product from the market."
Both the Air Force's magazine, Flying Safety, and the Navy's magazine, Navy Physiology, published articles warning about the many dangers of aspartame including the cumulative delirious effects of methanol and the greater likelihood of birth defects. The articles note that the ingestion of aspartame can make pilots more susceptible to seizures and vertigo. Twenty articles sounding warnings about ingesting aspartame while flying have also appeared in the National Business Aircraft Association Digest (NBAA Digest 1993), Aviation Medical Bulletin (1988), The Aviation Consumer (1988), Canadian General Aviation News (1990), Pacific Flyer (1988), General Aviation News (1989), Aviation Safety Digest (1989), and Plane & Pilot (1990) and a paper warning about aspartame was presented at the 57th Annual Meeting of the Aerospace Medical Association (Gaffney 1986).
A hotline was even set up for pilots suffering from acute reactions to aspartame ingestion. Over 600 pilots have reported symptoms including some who have reported suffering grand mal seizures in the cockpit due to aspartame.(21)

Why don't we hear about these things?

The reason many people do not hear about serious reactions to aspartame is twofold: 1) Lack of awareness by the general population. Aspartame-caused diseases are not reported in the newspapers like plane crashes. This is because these incidents occur one at a time in thousands of different locations across the United States. 2) Most people do not associate their symptoms with the long-term use of aspartame. For the people who have killed a significant percentage of their brain cells and thereby caused a chronic illness, there is no way that they would normally associate such an illness with aspartame consumption.
How aspartame was approved is a lesson in how chemical and pharmaceutical companies can manipulate government agencies such as the FDA, "bribe" organizations such as the American Dietetic Association, and flood the scientific community with flawed and fraudulent industry-sponsored studies funded by the makers of aspartame.
Erik Millstone, a researcher at the Science Policy Research Unit of Sussex University has compiled thousands of pages of evidence, some of which have been obtained using the freedom of information act 23, showing: 1. Laboratory tests were faked and dangers were concealed. 2. Tumors were removed from animals and animals that had died were "restored to life" in laboratory records. 3. False and misleading statements were made to the FDA. 4. The two US Attorneys given the task of bringing fraud charges against the aspartame manufacturer took positions with the manufacturer's law firm, letting the statute of limitations run out. 5. The Commissioner of the FDA overruled the objections of the FDA's own scientific board of inquiry. Shortly after that decision, he took a position with Burson-Marsteller, the firm in charge of public relations for G.D. Searle.
A Public Board of Inquiry (PBOI) was conducted in 1980. There were three scientists who reviewed the objections of Olney and Turner to the approval of aspartame. They voted unanimously against aspartame's approval. The FDA Commissioner, Dr Arthur Hull Hayes, Jr. then created a 5-person Scientific Commission to review the PBOI findings. After it became clear that the Commission would uphold the PBOI's decision by a vote of 3 to 2, another person was added to the Commission, creating a deadlocked vote. This allowed the FDA Commissioner to break the deadlock and approve aspartame for dry goods in 1981. Dr Jacqueline Verrett, the Senior Scientist in an FDA Bureau of Foods review team created in August 1977 to review the Bressler Report (a report that detailed G.D. Searle's abuses during the pre-approval testing) said: "It was pretty obvious that somewhere along the line, the bureau officials were working up to a whitewash." In 1987, Verrett testified before the US Senate stating that the experiments conducted by Searle were a "disaster." She stated that her team was instructed not to comment on or be concerned with the overall validity of the studies. She stated that questions about birth defects have not been answered. She continued her testimony by discussing the fact that DKP has been shown to increase uterine polyps and change blood cholesterol and that increasing the temperature of the product leads to an increase in production of DKP.(13)

Revolving Doors

The FDA and the manufacturers of aspartame have had a revolving door of employment for many years. In addition to the FDA Commissioner and two US Attorneys leaving to take positions with companies connected with G.D. Searle, four other FDA officials connected with the approval of aspartame took positions connected with the NutraSweet industry between 1979 and 1982 including the Deputy FDA Commissioner, the Special Assistant to the FDA Commissioner, the Associate Director of the Bureau of Foods and Toxicology and the Attorney involved with the Public Board of Inquiry.(24)
It is important to realize that this type of revolving-door activity has been going on for decades. The Townsend Letter for Doctors (11/92) reported on a study revealing that 37 of 49 top FDA officials who left the FDA took positions with companies they had regulated. They also reported that over 150 FDA officials owned stock in drug companies they were assigned to manage. Many organizations and universities receive large sums of money from companies connected to the NutraSweet Association, a group of companies promoting the use of aspartame. In January 1993, the American Dietetic Association received a US$75,000 grant from the NutraSweet Company. The American Dietetic Association has stated that the NutraSweet Company writes their "Facts" sheets.(25)
What is the FDA doing to protect the consumer from the dangers of aspartame?

Less than nothing.

In 1992, the FDA approved aspartame for use in malt beverages, breakfast cereals, and refrigerated puddings and fillings. In 1993 the FDA approved aspartame for use in hard and soft candies, non-alcoholic favored beverages, tea beverages, fruit juices and concentrates, baked goods and baking mixes, and frostings, toppings and fillings for baked goods.
In 1991, the FDA banned the importation of stevia. The powder of this leaf has been used for hundreds of years as an alternative sweetener. It is used widely in Japan with no adverse effects. Scientists involved in reviewing stevia have declared it to be safe for human consumption--something that has been well known in many parts of the world where it is not banned. Some people believe that stevia was banned to keep the product from taking hold in the United States and cutting into sales of aspartame.(26)
What is the U.S. Congress doing to protect the consumer from the dangers of aspartame?
What is the U.S. Administration (President) doing to protect the consumer from the dangers of aspartame?
Aspartame consumption is not only a problem in the United States--it is being sold in over 70 countries throughout the world.
Related Article: Aspartame: What You Don't Know Can Hurt Younload my FREE guide on ARTIFICIAL SWEETENERS: MORE SOUR THAN YOU EVER IMAGINED. Enter your email address to download it right now.

Disclaimer: The entire contents of this website are based upon the opinions of Dr. Mercola, unless otherwise noted. Individual articles are based upon the opinions of the respective author, who retains copyright as marked. The information on this website is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of Dr. Mercola and his community. Dr. Mercola encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional.
If you want to use this article on your site please click here. This content may be copied in full, with copyright, contact, creation and information intact, without specific permission, when used only in a not-for-profit format. If any other use is desired, permission in writing from Dr. Mercola is required.
© Copyright 1997-2011 Dr. Joseph Mercola. All Rights Reserved.

Monday, September 5, 2011

This experiment was witnessed by over 750 people in a LIVE demonstration of one of the world's most powerful longevity technologies at the Longevity Conference in Costa Mesa, CA. For more info, please visit:

Sunday, September 4, 2011

48 Tijii Japanese Fisherman are torturing and killing Dolphins once a year this week 'Let's Get Educated!

A Fall From Freedom is produced by EarthView Productions. Full length version for free viewing here. DVD and download available at:

Uploaded by eiiphils2 on Sep 2, 2011

The largest dolphin and whale slaughter on the planet starts September of every year in a small fishing village in Taiji, Japan. Here, some forty-eight fishermen herd hundreds of small whales and dolphins to a cove.

Representatives of ocean parks and aquariums buy the nicer looking animals first while the rest are slaughtered for meat and sold to grocery stores all over Japan.

The brutal hunts has been the subject of the 2010 Oscar winning documentary The Cove, which features dolphin-hero Ric O'Barry, a one-time dolphin trainer in the 'Flipper' TV Series of the 1960s. When one of the dolphins playing 'Flipper' died, O'Barry had a change of heart and had since dedicated his life to advocating for the well being of all dolphins on the planet.

Every year, O'Barry calls on all dolphin-lovers of the world to expose the brutal killings in Japan. Dubbed 'International Japan Dolphin Day', activists all over the world troop to their Japanese embassies to urge the Japanese government to stop the killings. In the Philippines, the protest is led by Earth Island Institute (EII) together with the Philippine Animal Welfare Society (PAWS), Compassion and Responsibility for Animals (CARA), and the Dolphins Love Freedom Network (DLFN).

The Philippine Connection

In the Philippines, the Fisheries Administrative Order (FAO 185) bans the catching, killing and even mere possession of dolphins. Furthermore, the Animal Welfare Act (RA 8485) bans any kind of torture or maltreatment of any animal. Despite these laws however, dolphins from the brutal hunts have found its way into the country. In 2001, the country imported 5 false killer whales, four of which already died performing at the Ocean Adventure Park in Subic. Another 4 bottlenose dolphins arrived in the country in 2004, one of which is now dead. In 2009, another 4 bottlenose dolphins were imported from Japan.

According to Trixie Concepcion of Earth Island Institute, "The Philippine Government must stop supporting the dolphin slaughter in Japan by banning the importation of dolphins into the country. These importations run counter to the existing laws in the country."

The protesters are also calling the general public to stop patronizing dolphin shows. According to The Cove, marine parks and aquariums buy animals from Japan for their dolphin shows and a single untrained dolphin can cost as much as $150,000. The money paid by the dolphin show industry is one major reason why the hunts persist despite the fact that majority of the Japanese people do not eat dolphins, and it is thus clearly uneconomical to kill dolphins for food.

Another major issue in the slaughter is that meat from dolphins is being sold as food in Japan. Experts who tested the dolphin meat say that it is highly toxic, having mercury levels much much higher than the allowed limit set by the Health Department of Japan.

Protesters say that the demonstration is not only about animal welfare, it is also very much about human welfare. Coming from the tragedy of the massive earthquake and tsunami that hit the Japanese peninsula last March, participants in the Japan Dolphin Day in Manila brought Japanese lanterns and featured a dolphin dance in their program.

The dolphin dance symbolizes healing for Mother Earth and the Japanese lanterns symbolize enlightenment, forgiveness and a wish that the departed souls of both humans and dolphins find a happy resting place.

The Filipino protesters are confident that if enough people in Japan know about the issue, then the dolphin killings will definitely stop.

Friday, September 2, 2011

The Lemurian Princess Sharula Dux

Interview with Sharula Dux 
by Joanna Cherry
Princess Sharula Dux is a woman known to me for many years. Her message is amazing, yet simple: she is from Telos, a Lemurian city beneath Mt. Shasta. She has come to the surface to begin sharing her culture with ours, so that we might mutually benefit and become one whole civilization.
Several times over the years I have known her, I have heard Sharula speak. I have listened very carefully; never have I heard her contradict herself on the information, which to our ears is complex. She is unassuming; she has a good sense of humor, and gives a lot of love to those around her. She feels like an old and wise being.
In 1995, with Sharula’s permission, I combined information from two tapes she recorded about Telos with my memory of her answers to questions I and others have asked her. I gave it the form of an interview. She has approved it in its entirety. JC: Sharula, why was Telos built?
SD: Twenty-five thousand years ago, there were two major civilizations of Earth. One was based in the continent of Lemuria, or Mu, which included the area of much of the Pacific Ocean, the western United States, and parts of Asia. The other was Atlantis, over much of what is now the Atlantic Ocean and parts of Africa and Europe. There was a disagreement between these two civilizations concerning thesocial and political evolution of the rest of the human race: Lemuria wanted the less advanced civilizations of Earth to remain free, and Atlantis wanted to govern or control them. A lengthy war broke out between the two. These wars became so severe–they even included thermo-nuclear warheads–that karmic energies were set in motion that would eventually sink both continents.
JC: You used thermo-nuclear warheads? Is there any evidence of this that we can see today?
SD: Yes, the Gobi desert and the Sahara desert, to name just two. After the war, many of the Melchizedek priests and priestesses of Lemuria saw into the future, and foretold the sinking of the continent. They began to look for a place to move. They settled on Mt. Shasta in the eastern part of Lemuria, a great mountain already considered sacred, and which they understood would be safe in the coming cataclysm. They decided to build underground, partly because of the shocks Earth would sustain from the sinking of two continents, and partly because the original atmospheric mantle of Earth had gone, subjecting life on the surface to harmful ultra-violet rays.
In deciding where to build their city, they came upon a great domed cavern within Mt. Shasta, several square miles in area and hundreds of feet high. This became the top level of Telos.
JC: Why was it named “Telos”?
SD: The whole southwestern United States was then called Telos, which means “union with spirit”, so that name was chosen for the city. Four levels were built under the top level, five levels in all, and the city was built to house up to two million people.
JC: How many people live in Telos now?
SD: One and a half million. But it began with only 25,000 people, who moved into Telos 100 years before Lemuria sank. Very few others survived the earthquakes, tidal waves and volcanic activity that accompanied the sinking.
JC: When was this?
SD: About 12,000 years ago.
JC: What about the Atlanteans? Did they build an underground city also?
SD: Yes, under the Mato Grosso plateau of Brazil.
JC: Are there any other subterranean cities?
SD: Yes, in fact there is a whole group of subterranean cities called the Agartha Network. The Lemurians petitioned the Agartha Network to become a member. But as the people of the Agartha cities are wise and non-violent, Lemuria had to convince Agartha that it had learned from its mistakes and would embark upon a course of peace. This was done.
JC: How many cities are in the Agartha Network?
SD: One hundred twenty. JC: Where exactly under Mt. Shasta is Telos?
SD: The domed cavern is over most of the base of Mt. Shasta, and the top of the dome is about halfway up the mountain. The fifth, lowest level is about a mile beneath ground level. Each level is several square miles.
JC: What are on the different levels of Telos?
SD: The top level under the dome is the main part of the city. Most people live there, most commerce takes place there, and that’s where our public buildings are. It’s the heart and soul of Telos. Directly in the center is the Temple–we are a temple society–built to hold 10,000 people. It is white and pyramid-shaped, with a capstone made of “livingstone,” a substance from Venus. It looks crystalline, and emanates all the rays of the color spectrum. The Temple is dedicated to the Order of Melchizedek, a cosmic priesthood of our universe, dedicated to embodying the light plan given to us by the higher levels of the Godhead. On the top level are also our council buildings and our record buildings. We have records of Lemuria, Atlantis, Egypt, other past Earth civilizations, even civilizations of other planets. There is a building that manages the communications within Telos, between Telos and the other subterranean cities of Agartha, and places off-planet. It also monitors radio and TV from the surface.
JC: What about entertainment? Do you have fun in Telos?
SD: Indeed we do! We have pleasure places for sports, plays, films, music, and dancing. We have a place a lot like the Holodeck in Star Trek, where you create virtual reality for yourself in any adventure you want: climb a mountain, swim a river, go back in history, etc.
JC: Wow!
SD: We also have a building that houses multi-tracking, amino-based computers. These computers are alive. They operate on the Christ-mind and therefore cannot be corrupted. They can read the records of the past, they can read your past lives if you wish and even show them to you; they can read your aura or the health of your body and tell you what you need. They can play your “soul note”, which helps you to meditate clearly, and they can communicate with you on a soul level. They can communicate across galaxies. They help train the Christ mind in people, and we depend on them quite a bit.
JC: What a wonderful thing.
SD: On the second level we have classes, manufacturing of clothes and furniture and other things, and more people living. On the third level are our hydroponic gardens, where we grow all our food. We’ve been vegetarian for over 12,000 years, and we live on vegetables, fruits, grains, nuts, soybeans etc. Our crops grow in water; some minerals are added, but there’s no fertilizer and no soil depletion. Our crops grow much faster than on the surface, and we’re able to feed 1 1/2 million people from just a few square miles of land, and give enough variety for eating to be pleasurable.
JC: Do any of your supplies come from the surface?
SD: No, we trade with the other Agartha cities. The fourth level is half hydroponic gardens, part manufacturing and part nature. The fifth level is our nature level. People come here to relax. We’ve created lakes and grown tall trees–there’s a park atmosphere. Animals live there, some of which no longer exist on the surface such as the saber-tooth tiger, the mastodon and the do-do bird. We were able to save them and bring them down to Telos.
JC: Do you keep them in zoos?
SD: No, people and animals get along peacefully in Telos. We’ve trained the carnivors to eat vegetarian food, and gradually they’ve lost their aggression. So literally, here the lion is lying down with the lamb! And you can actually play with a big cat, carefully!
JC: How can you live under the earth? Do you have light?
SD: Yes, we have a process in which stones with a high crystalline content are fused with an electro-magnetic force field of energy. This causes the crystalline matrix of the stone to create a polarity that allows the stone to pull in invisible rays and re-emit them as visible, full-spectrum light. The stone becomes like a small sun, for about 500,000 years. We dim them at night to stay on the same 24-hour day as you have on the surface.
JC: What about air? How do you get enough oxygen?
SD: We’ve created an eco-system. We get our oxygen from the plants and trees that grow here, though some vents do go to the surface. Water in some areas moves at high speeds, circulating air and negative ions. This is so effective, we have less and less dependence on air vents, and this is good because even the air around Mt. Shasta is becoming more polluted.
JC: How do you get around in Telos?
SD: We do a lot of walking, but there are three ways we can travel more quickly. One is something based on crystalline technology and looks just like a basket. You get in, and the basket is guided by your mind–you lift up into the air and float to your destination. This is used for travel around the city. The second method is an electro-magnetic sled that looks like a snowmobile, also used within the city. We can get from Mt. Shasta to Mt. Lassen, an extension of Telos [about 50 miles away], within a few minutes. The third way is electro-magnetic trains that travel at thousands of miles per hour through tubes, never touching the sides. These are similar to your subway trains, and are how we travel to the other subterranean cities around the planet.
JC: Do you build your tubes like we build our subway tunnels?
SD: No. We created the tubes with a boring machine that melts rock and earth to white-hot incandescence and then cools it again instantly, forming a diamond-hard, water-tight substance that is also elastic enough to move with an earthquake, like rubber. We build walls the same way, and there are even subterranean cities under ocean water that have been built this way. We are preparing to bring this technology to the surface when the time is right.
JC: Sharula, could you be the “Bonnie” one author writes of in Mt. Shasta: Home of the Ancients?
SD: Yes, I am that one. In those days I used a name to fit more easily with your society. But when I came to the surface to stay for a time, I wanted to use my real name.
JC: Are there others from Telos up here with us?
SD: Yes, people from all subterranean cities have merged with life on the surface, to benefit both civilizations. Some of them are well known.
JC: How does a Telosian come to the surface?
SD: There are three ways. There are entrances on Mt. Shasta, with holographic screening devices to make them invisible from the outside. If somebody wants to enjoy the stars or wander a bit on the mountain, he’ll use these. The second way is to take a tube, such as to Los Angeles or another subterranean city of the Agartha network. And finally, you can take a scout ship, one of the smaller “space ships” we have.
JC: So some of those ships we see are yours?
SD: Yes, we call them the Silver Fleet. Along with the scout ships, we have three large mother ships. When the mother ships come out–the mountain opens physically–we don’t want to scare people, so we’ve invented machines to create a cloud cover–you call them “cloud ships”.
JC: Could one of us from the surface go down into Telos?
SD: In Telos there is no judgment of others, and we have telepathy between minds. Most people on the surface have judgment thoughts, and these are physically painful to a Telosian. Some are invited to go down, mostly students of spiritual masters. As the world changes into greater light and love, our two societies will come together. This will be a long-awaited and joyous time!
JC: When do you think that might be?
SD: We don’t know yet; when there is enough readiness in people on the surface.
JC: Would you describe a typical life in Telos, from birth?
SD: Well, when a woman first realizes she’s pregnant, she goes to a temple room where she’s given lots of loving support and surrounded with beautiful pictures and music. She sees her baby as beautiful and perfect. This love and perfection go right into its cells. Wonderful building blocks! Both parents talk to the child with great love, sing to it, etc. So it really knows it is loved and wanted. Pregnancy lasts only three months.
JC: Three months! But how does the baby survive?
SD: That’s all a baby needs in the womb; it’s born quite healthy and strong.
JC: What a difference!
SD: When the baby is ready to be born, the mother goes to a birthing section of the temple, where she’s assisted by a birthing priestess. The birth is under water– painless–which is best for both the mother and the baby.
JC: Why is that a good way?
SD: As birth usually is on the surface, the baby’s umbilical cord is cut long before it is ready or able to breathe easily and naturally. Often it is struck in order to start its breathing, so its first breath is taken in pain and fear. This leads to people shutting down their breath during life–being half alive!–and to diseases such as emphysema and other lung problems.
When a baby is born in Telos, it slides right in to warm water. It feels right at home. It continues to be connected to the mother by the umbilical cord for perhaps half an hour, while it floats around and rests from the birth process, being loved and welcomed by its parents. Finally, it starts to breathe fully on its own. Only then is the cord painlessly cut with a laser.
For the next two years, the father stays home to help with this crucial time of the child’s life. It’s vital that both father and mother, female and male are present for a child to be fully balanced. Each child is given twelve sets of godparents, most often with children of their own. It spends time with all these families, and begins to feel like all the world is family. This discourages cliques from forming, and de-rigidifies family patterns.
Education begins at three years, and it’s based on the intelligence of the child, not its ignorance. Meditation is taught, reading, dance, sports, math, acting, abstract concepts, playwriting. The kids are taught to think for themselves, and work things out. In a “play and learn” concept, they learn self-expression without violence. Beginning at age five, astral projection is taught, so that children can travel out of body and learn many things. They visit records of the past and view history for themselves; they visit the surface and even other planets. They learn that angels are real, and develop the faith to manifest from the unseen to the seen. They become wise and strong in themselves; there’s no victimhood.
We call the teenage years the “years of temporary insanity.” Kids join with others of their age under the supervision of wise and loving adults. They create plays, they might run wild in the lower caverns for a few days, scream and holler and let out their energy positively. They grow into whole adults–no alcoholism or other addictions.
JC: Is there any insanity on Telos?
SD: None.
JC: Any crime?
SD: No.
JC: How about poverty?
SD: No, everyone has what they need and want.
JC: What is a typical home like?
SD: Homes are based on sacred geometries, mostly spheres. Our public buildings look a lot like those of ancient Greece.
JC: Do you have electricity and appliances like we do?
SD: We’ve developed machinery to tap energy from the ethers, so we don’t need electricity. Some appliances are similar to yours, but more advanced. We even have a replicator, as on your TV show Star Trek, but most of the time people like to cook for themselves.
JC: Is your food anything like a surface vegetarian’s?
SD: Very similar. We’ve stolen some of your ideas; we love pizza! Also chocolate.
JC: Do you have pets in Telos?
SD: Yes, just like you.
JC: How tall are Telosians, on average?
SD: About a foot taller than surface folks.
JC: And what’s the average life span?
SD: There’s no aging in Telos. We are genetically exactly the same as you, but we know we do not age; so we don’t. There are a few American Indians in Telos, and they’re hundreds of years or more old now.
JC: How old are you?
SD: 269. Most Telosians are between a few hundred and a few thousand years old. One man has been in his body for 30,000 years. We jokingly nicknamed him “Longest”!
JC: So you’re a youngster! What about dating? Do you get a gal who’s 25 dating a guy who’s 2,000?
SD: Often! (Laughs)
JC: Is there any death in Telos?
SD: Yes, but it’s rare. Sometimes a person dies in an accident. Pets do die.
JC: What happens when someone is ready to leave Telos?
SD: A large portion of people ascend–take their body into light and move into a lighter dimension. Others may not be ready to ascend, so they learn how to leave their body, and then dematerialize it.
JC: How does a society work where people just stay around?
SD: When people know they’re going to live as long as they want to, and even stay young as long as they like, there comes a completely different feeling about life than you have on the surface. There’s not that “You’re only young once!” kind of wildness that happens a lot in your society, with reckless behavior and maybe even drugs or alcohol. Also, since you live for hundreds or thousands of years, you make sure you’re taking care of the environment! You’re more responsible. The most wonderful thing about living without aging or dying is that you get to do all the things you want to do. Up here, just about the time someone gets enough wisdom and knowledge to start really living, he’s grown too old to do much with it.
JC: How is Telos governed?
SD: We have a Council of Twelve Plus One. The twelve who head the Temple are six men and six women, mostly ascended masters, people of high wisdom who stay balanced in any situation. They always set the good of the many above their own personal good, by following what God wants.
JC: What is the “Plus One”?
SD: The “One” is either the High Priest and Priestess, or the King and Queen of Telos. The Order of Melchizedek always balances male and female, which is vital to spiritual enlightenment.
JC: Who are the High Priest and Priestess?
SD: They are working partners. The High Priest is Adama, an ascended master working directly under Archangel Michael. He is a blue ray master, assisting humanity with ascension. The High Priestess is Terra Ra. She teaches the students in the Temple and is much loved by them. She also is an ascended master.
JC: And the king and queen of Telos?
SD: They are Ra and Rana Mu. This lineage is unbroken for over 30,000 years. Though royalty is inherited, it doesn’t pass automatically to the oldest son or daughter. The king and queen decide which of their children or grandchildren is most capable of the job. That one then goes through full Temple training and becomes a Melchizedek Priest or Priestess.
JC: You are called “Princess.” Does that have anything to do with this lineage?
SD: Yes, I am a daughter of Ra and Rana Mu.
JC: Who makes the governing decisions?
SD: The Council of Twelve. When it makes a decision, the king and queen can back it, or they may request a change. If there is an unresolved question, the High Priest and Priestess have the final word. Below the main Council of Twelve are lower Councils of Twelve which handle any local disputes. Individual problems or arguments are handled by an arbitrator, a priest or priestess who has access to the akashic records of the past.
JC: Why is this helpful?
SD: Because often disputes come forward from previous incarnations. When a decision is made, each person understands it is best for all concerned, and the matter is closed.
JC: Do you have money on Telos?
SD: No, we have a non-monetary basis of exchange.
JC: How does this work?
SD: The government owns everything, but isn’t responsible for controlling anything. It makes sure, for instance, that food gets to the distribution outlets. When you need something–food, clothes, furniture, art, books, etc.–you simply go to a distribution center and pick it up.
JC: If people don’t need to work for money on Telos, how does everything get done?
SD: Each person chooses what he wants to do. Say he decides to work in the hydroponic gardens; he sets his own hours, and lets his “foreman” know when he’ll be there. And he does show up, because he knows everyone’s well-being depends upon his doing his part. Some people’s gifts are art, massage, etc. People have plenty of time to meditate, play, rest, go to the Temple for training, and grow spiritually.
JC: What about the jobs nobody wants to do, like collecting the garbage?
SD: We all take turns doing community service–even Council of Twelve members. There is no one better than, and no one less than. So we might give four hours a month to collect and dematerialize the garbage, weed the gardens, pick up animal droppings, etc. We’re doing it with others so it becomes fun, we sing and have a good time.
JC: You actually dematerialize garbage?
SD: Yes.
JC: Could we ever use that skill on the surface!
JC: Do people get married on Telos?
SD: Yes, we have two kinds of marriages, bond marriage and sacred marriage. When two people feel they really have something together, they care for each other and want to see where it’s going, they go to a priest or priestess and commit to a bond marriage. Sometimes these last for hundreds of years, but are usually shorter. Bond marriage partners don’t have children. If the marriage doesn’t work, they simply go again to the priest or priestess and it is dissolved–no stigma, no disharmony. When a bond marriage becomes very deep and lasting, the two may choose a sacred marriage. This might happen after two hundred years together, or two months. They have a beautiful, large wedding. All of our children come from sacred marriages.
JC: Why did you choose to marry a man from the surface level of Earth?
SD: He is my twin flame, the masculine half of my soul. He chose to incarnate on the surface level to help fulfill our work together, that of merging our two societies into one.
JC: Are any of these master abilities practiced by at least some Telosians: 1) travel by thought (leaving no form behind); or 2) manifestation from the ether?
SD: People who have gone through temple training do learn these things eventually, when they are ready.
JC: Sharula, thank you for coming up to be with us and help merge our two societies. How long do you think you will stay on the surface?
SD: That is up to spirit.
©1995, Joanna Cherry.You are most welcome and encouraged to share this article with others, as long as you credit the source. Thank you.
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Thursday, September 1, 2011

Unearthing Mt. Shasta’s legends from Mt Shasta Newspaper



Stephen Sindoni is researching the legend of JC Brown, who, in 1904, is said to have found the entrance to an eleven mile tunnel leading under Mt. Shasta to the lost civilization of Lemuria.

By Charlie Unkefer
Posted Jul 01, 2009 @ 06:02 PM
Researcher, author and filmmaker Stephen Sindoni landed in Mt. Shasta determined to unveil one of the great mysteries of the mountain: the myth of Lemuria.
As he was casting about for ideas for a screenplay in his New York home, Sindoni came across the longstanding Mt. Shasta legend of JC Brown, a geologist who, in 1904, is said to have found a tunnel that leads eleven miles underground to the lost civilization of Lemuria.
Intrigued by the tale, Sinsion began to research the known details, wondering if there could be any factual basis for the story.
His journey from some basic research in a New York City public library to a cross-country journey to Mt. Shasta has led to some findings that add a new dimension to the story.
The Legend of JC Brown
There are many accounts of the legend, one of the most common sources is Emile Frank’s book “Mt. Shasta: California’s Mystic Mountain.” Sindoni noted that access to the legends were readily available, but the accounts he heard left a lot to speculation. Had anyone, he wondered, attempted to follow up on any of alleged facts?
The original story goes something like this: JC Brown, a geologist for the Lord Cowdray Mining company of London, was prospecting for precious metals in the Mt. Shasta area when he came across an interesting geological feature which, upon further investigation, turned out to be a tunnel.
After excavating the opening, Brown entered the tunnel, following it for a couple of miles and eventually finding rooms full of gold and copper plates, as well as ornate statues. He also found a burial chamber that contained 27 skeletons that ranged from 6-foot-6 to 10 feet in length, two of which were shrouded in mysterious robes.
According to the legend, Brown continued his explorations, yet little is know of what happened between 1904, when the cave was first discovered, and 1934, when the story first appeared in the Stockton Record newspaper.
It was shortly after the newspaper story that Brown mysteriously disappeared. He was in the process of preparing an expedition party to fully excavate and explore his discovery, but the boat headed north never left the Stockton Harbor. Nobody ever heard from JC Brown after June 19, 1934.
Legend busting
For Sindoni, there were too many holes in the story and too many possible leads that, as he saw it, could be pursued.
He noted, in particular, that a big part of what drew him to this subject in the first place is that there appeared to be enough factual evidence to provide the basis for a good research project.
“When I take on a project, I want to deal with hard evidence,” he said.
Working with the rough framework of the story, Sindoni set out to verify what he could.
He said he began by tracing the records of the Lord Cowdray Mining Company. In doing so, he discovered that there was no record of a JC Brown, but he did find that a geologist by the name of JB Body had been employed by the company. Records indicated that Body had travelled to Mt. Shasta in 1904 along with Lord Cowdray himself, Sindoni said.
Putting the pieces of the puzzle together, Sindoni soon became convinced that “JC Brown” was the alias for the real life JB Body.
After further research, Sindoni said he found out that the Cowdray Mining Company had been prospecting for oil in Mexico and, by 1904, had unearthed vast reserves under the name of the Mexican Aguilar Oil Company. Body was employed as one of the geologist who worked with Lord Cowdray, and the two together became very wealthy. Sindoni claims to have traced the roots of this company to today’s Shell Oil, and he notes that at his death in 1927, Cowdray was one of the wealthiest men in the country, and that at the time of his disappearance, Body was worth an estimated $45 million.
Sindoni’s research eventually led him to believe that Cowdray and Body were originally in Mt. Shasta to visit the then famous Shasta Springs Resort, located along the Upper Sacramento River just north of Dunsmuir. (At that time, the resort was a popular destination for the San Francisco elite, who came to enjoy the region’s healing waters and stunning vistas.)
As Sindoni sees it, the reason for their visit was most likely recreational, as the two may have been celebrating some recent oil discoveries.
Checking border crossing records, Sindoni says he was able to locate proof that a JB Body and a Weetman Pearson (the birth name of Lord Cowdray) did indeed cross into the US at Laredo, Texas in 1904. He noted that border crossing information is public record and that he was also able to trace some of the records of the Lord Cowdray Mining company.
Sindoni also verified that the two later returned in 1907, crossing into the US at the same place. Travelling with them this time were three more geologists, also under the employ of the Lord Cowdray Mining Company.
Gaps in the record
What happened between 1907 and 1934 when the man calling himself JC Brown eventually told his story to the Stockton Record remains unclear.
Sindoni says that his research reveals that JB Body crossed in and out of Mexico 13 times between 1905 and 1912, but after that there is little evidence as to his whereabouts.
The research shows that Body continued to be actively involved in the affairs of the Mexican Aguilar Oil Company, earning a large fortune in the process, according to Sindoni. (Both Body and Cowdray were reported to regulary associate with high ranking Mexican officials, including president Porfirio Diaz, until the Mexican revolution shifted the political landscape and the oil fields were overthrown.)
What happened between the last reported border crossing in 1915 and 1934 when Body showed up as JC Brown in the Stockton Record office in 1934?
This question leads to a lot of speculation. At this point, Sindoni’s trail of evidence dissipates somewhat, though he did indicate that there was an indication that Body may have travelled between his England home to the US on a handful of occasions.
In Sindoni’s opinion, JB Body developed the alias JC Brown because he lived in fear.
According to Sindoni, Body claimed that several attempts were made on both his life and the lives of his family members. This, explained Sindoni, is most likely why he took on the alias and why there is very little evidence of his whereabouts.
According to Sindoni, when Body travelled as JC Brown, he would stay in public housing facilities, leading to the impression that he was essentially penniless.
After he reported his story to the newspaper and began to gather his team of 80 explorers and all of the necessary supplies, he disappeared.
What, wondered Sindoni, would lead to such a disappearance?
Newspaper records indicate that none of the expedition’s members lost any money, which helped assuage allegations that “JC Brown” was a swindler.
Though the legend indicates that he was never heard from again, Sindoni’s research evidence in a registry of civil engineers that JB Body died at home in England in 1938.
While on the brink of unearthing his great discovery, he went back underground. What was the reason?
Lemurian portal?
Like the legend of JC Brown, Sindoni’s tale of exploring the legend has its own elements of drama and mystery.
Upon his arrival in Mt. Shasta last fall, Sindoni came across the story of an alleged 2008 Lemurian sighting in an area just north of Dunsmuir.
Armed with this bit of recent local lore and the knowledge that Body and Cowdray had been in that general area during their initial 1904 visit, Sindoni began exploring on foot.
To his own amazement, he claims to have found the entrance to a cave that he believes is the same one that Body himself had discovered in 1904. He claims that its physical description and general location appear to be similar.
There are, however, a few issues that keep this case from being completely “solved,” the first being that the site is located on private property and is therefore inaccessible. (Sindoni did note that he received permission to hike on the property during his initial forays). He said that because of this, he is unable to reveal the exact location.
Sindoni explained that the opening has been sealed over with cement and that there are hieroglyphic-like markings that surround it.
On a website dedicated largely to the JC Brown legend, Sindoni has posted several You Tube videos, as well as photos and narrative. Several show him standing in front of the entrance to a cave.
Also on his website are videos and narratives about other Mt. Shasta legends and lore that he says he is beginning to explore.
The web address is
Sindoni says his findings have the potential to refute the prevailing theory that North American civilizations date back only 12,000 years. “If this is true, it could mean that the Lemurians are the descendants of the true Native Americans,” he said, noting that several Native American mythologies refer to an advanced civilization known as “the tall ones,” who were said to roam the earth up to 40,000 years ago.
Like JB Body himself, Sindoni says that some unusual things have happened to him since he has begun looking into this legend.
He claims, among other things, that he is the target of a surveillance program and that, in his opinion, there are “forces” conspiring to keep this story under wraps.
Despite this, Sindoni asserts that, in the end, the truth will prevail. “There are two sides to every story and then there is the truth,” Sindoni said, acknowledging that his findings will be treated with a high degree of skepticism, but he feels he has brought enough “hard evidence” to the case to at least arouse some curiosity.
“I tell the truth, and I fear no man,” he proclaimed.
Other anomalies
Asked if he believes that his findings indicate that a “lost civilization” really does exist beneath the mountain, Sindoni replied, “As of four weeks ago, I have become convinced that it does.”
Currently, Sindoni is wrapping up this project and beginning to explore some of the other legends that exist in the area.
He regularly posts videos on You Tube about his various projets. Among other things, they include “”Stephen Sindoni Discovers Secret Hidden Messages in Microsoft Software,” “Sindoni Says: Egyptians reveal 911 Was An Inside Job,” and “Inside Hollow Earth.”
Speaking of the time he has spent in Mt. Shasta, he said, “I’m loving it. I’m where I need to be, and the mountain has given me validation.”
In addition to his research, writing and hiking around for clues, he does some web design and elder care work.
Sindoni was recently interviewed on BBS radio and has appeared on “Coast to Coast AM” with George Noory. He has also appeared locally on community access channel MVTV15 and at the Stage Door in Mt. Shasta.
For more information about Stephen Sindoni and to see some of his several videos, visit