Sunday, December 31, 2017

ETs are Assisting Trump, Q & the White-Hats. The Rest of the Story Regar...

ETs are Assisting Trump, Q & the White-Hats. The Rest of the Story Regarding Trump
What Q is not telling you: Trump and the White-Hats are being actively assisted by our neighbors in the Galaxy. The general public has no idea. Here is the full story. (Part 2 of 4-Part series on Event Date.)
Book Link:
(Getting Aligned for the Planetary Transformation by Tom Price
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Key Words: QTZ1177, ETs, The Storm, Trumps Storm, Constitutional Republic, September 23, Sept 23, Whats happening on September 23rd, What Will Happen 23rd of September 2017, Mark Taylor, Mark of the Beast, the antichrist, UFOs, UFOs are helping us, living in the heart, being in the heart, Revelations, The Book of Revelation, the End Times, End of the Mayan Calendar. The Rapture, The End of Time, religion, Jesus, Satan, Satan Removed, Lucifer, Lucifer Worship, Christianity, Antichrist, Anti-Christ, The Jews, Khazarian Mafia, Financial Collapse, Economic collapse 2016, Global financial meltdown, Financial Collapse 2016, Economic Meltdown, Federal Reserve Dollar, Fort Knox, Fort Knox Documentary, Fort Knox 2016, White Dragon, White Dragon Society, Red Dragon Society, Green Dragon Society, IMF, World Bank, International Money Fund, Network of Global Corporate Control, Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, General Dunford. Politics, Geopolitics. The Global currency Reset, Network of Corporate Control, A New Republic via a GCR, GCR, Global Reset, Currency Reset
Keywords: The Space Fence, Weather Weapon, Weather Warfare, Haarp, Positive Side of 2012, David Wilcock, Corey Goode, Reptilians, Mantis, Illuminati, Cabal, Criminal Banking Cartel, The Elite, Panama Papers, David Wilcock, Coast to Coast AM Radio, consciousness, the event is coming soon, Free Energy, Keshe Foundation, The Planet Daily News, SGT Report, WeAreAwake, We are Change, Benjamin Fulford, MLordandGod, Light Alliance, Galactic Federation of Light, The Event is coming Soon, Karen Hudes, Alex Jones, disclosure, Geoengineering,
***** Sources **************
(1) Tom’s Book:
“Getting Aligned for the Planetary Transformation” by Tom Price
(2) Light Alliance Info
(3) Gordon Asher Davidson Book
The Transfiguration of our World
(4) Gordon Asher Davvidson on Coast to Coast AM
July 8, 2015

The Newscast You Weren't Supposed To See by Secure Team

Secure Team: The Newscast You Weren't Supposed To See (New UFO sighting news)
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Intro Music: Spellbound by Kevin Macleod
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Friday, December 29, 2017

Super Soldier Talk - Elena and Tony Rodrigues – Exploring the Secret Spa...

20 Years a Slave in Secret Space Program

Police, NSA & FBI Expose The NEW WORLD ORDER

The Only Chinese Royal Family Left Has Blessed Us All!

Redemption Alert Info - Beware of fake Historical Bonds, redemption may not happen!

BNM SCAM ALERT on TU-E CAPITAL. Please refer link :-
Financial SCAM or financial FRAUD have become a hot issue lately. We decided to release this video so viewers will be able to analyse the words, action, body language and information provided in the video. Protect yourself against any form of scams promising you money, funds or credit (virtual?)out of heritage assets and historical bonds. Don't lose our hard earned money unnecessarily . - Centric Asia Films
TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE Interview Series Part 2 : H. Rolf Sturies explains about the scenario that leads to redemption of global historic bonds mainly involving the Chinese Royal Family as the principle Redeemer and possible appropriation of funds received from the exercise. The main question of whether the gold used to back up the bonds can or will be returned to their true beneficiaries if redemption succeeds yet lies in the hands of the parties in control of the ancient assets and gold.
A Centric Asia Films & Tu-E Capital collaboration. 2017
***You can now download and watch the journey of the earth's quadrillions value of heritage assets and historic bonds and efforts by Heritage Players to re-monetize the bonds into creating more money today. Can they succeed ? - ***

Redemption Alert Info - Liquidation of HERITAGE ASSETS , True or Too Good To Be True?

BNM SCAM ALERT on TU-E CAPITAL. Please refer link :- Financial SCAM or financial FRAUD have become a hot issue lately. We decided to release this video so viewers will be able to analyse the words, action, body language and information provided in the video. Protect yourself against any form of scams promising you money, funds or credit (virtual?)out of heritage assets and historical bonds. Don't lose our hard earned money unnecessarily . - Centric Asia Films ------------------------------------------------------- TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE Interview Series Part 1 : Sir Ricky Nathaniel speaks about roles and functions in undertaking redemption of the world's historical heritage assets including the global Collateral Accounts, historic bonds, boxes and notes, gold bunkers and various efforts to monetize or liquidate the assets for utilization of countries and economies. A Centric Asia Films & Tu-E Capital collaboration. 2017 ***You can now download and watch the journey of the earth's quadrillions value of heritage assets and historic bonds and efforts by Heritage Players to re-monetize the bonds into creating more money today. Can they succeed ? - ***

The Primary Teaching of World Religions

Thursday, December 28, 2017

About GIDIFA; Complete Interview with Angel Ferdinand Marcos

About GIDIFA; Complete Interview with Angel Ferdinand Marcos

An Interview with Honorable Angel Ferdinand Marcos about GIDIFA. This same video is also available in individual sections.

Dragon Family and BRICS to Usher in New Currency
The following is written of compiled by:
The Honorable Sir Robert W. "Bobby" Hatfield Lowder, JD, ISF, CIF, Undersecretary of International Humanitarian and Financial Affairs, Global Ambassador, for the United Nations Global Infrastructure, Development and International Finance Agency.
For the Pyramid Foundation and Trust,
In the following I am going to attempt to relate to you just how the Dragon family, (an alliance of spiritual elders from China, Japan, Philippines, Indonesia, and Viet Nam), along with the alliance of numerous countries are not only prepared to start using a gold backed currency but will also provide “debt relief, humanitarian projects, and transformative innovations and inventions”.
Regarding the global economy… What we’re actually seeing is unprecedented developments leading toward a possible complete global economic transformation. We see, very probably, a new, more humble, more peaceful role for the United States, a new role for the dollar, and, possibly, new roles for you and me. Here are some facts about a few recent developments that can provide critical background:
First, the BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) have launched what they call the New Development Bank with a $100 billion gold backing and another $100 billion in reserve. The Chinese, who holds $1.3 trillion of US debt of U.S. debt, second only to the Federal Reserve itself, have begun selling rather than buying U.S. Bonds. So has Russia. So, America is running out of lenders to borrow from. For the first time in 70 years, the Chinese and Russians have created over 40 deals. including oil purchases totaling close to $1 trillion, and they’re doing this in their own currencies and gold, no longer agreeing to U.S. dollar supremacy. For anyone who doesn’t know, in 1944 (the end of World War II) the Bretton Woods Conference was held where the IMF and the World Bank were created and then soon after, the dollar was declared the only international exchange currency — basically, a global economic system primarily under U.S. control. These new deals and others like them around the world are a very significant move. The Chinese have also launched the Shanghai gold exchange to try to bring integrity to international gold pricing after recent revelations of market-rigging by the West. The BRICS countries have also created a new rating agency, the UCRG (Universal Credit Rating Group) that will compete with the cabal’s services (Fitch, Moody’s, the S & P) whose corrupt bestowing of AAA ratings upon junk investments was exposed in the 2008 crash. The BRICS alliance is also working (understandably) on an alternate internet to avoid the predations of the NSA. The BRICS countries have been patiently check-mating the corrupt cabal that has been destroying the global economy and the environment and now this BRICS group is creating (as far as we can tell) a more transparent, honest, inclusive, and sustainable alternative.
I want to tell you a real story that might sound like a fiction thriller, but which I’m saying publicly now because I believe the evidence is strong enough now to support its validity. In addition to these BRICS developments, there is an alliance of spiritual elders (often referred to as the “Dragon Families”). They represent China, Japan, Philippines, Indonesia, and Viet Nam, at least and they are stewards of the largest off-the-book gold troves in the world. It represents most of the wealth on the planet and is sometimes called “Yamashita’s Gold”. This is fully documented in a 2005 book called “The Gold Warriors”, which we highly recommend that you read. Gold has been the most trusted medium of exchange and storehouse of wealth throughout history and we’re being told that these families want to use the vast resource, collected over centuries, to support debt relief, humanitarian projects, and transformative innovations and inventions. They apparently would be willing to provide the gold to back the dollar and keep America in the game, but the Western banking cabal needs to end their scam of creating money out of nothing and bankrupting other countries and then move to an honest, asset-backed system. We’ve also been made aware that there are many individuals in the armed services and in the intelligence agencies who are horrified at the deceptive and destructive agenda of the Washington Consensus and the military industrial complex. And they are not only unwilling to support more U.S. imperialist agendas, but are working hard and at great risk to correct the situation. In addition to The Oathkeepers and Veterans Against War, there’s a committed group who call themselves the White Hats who apparently have been brokering a pending, peaceful resolution — a deal between the Asian Elders and the Banking Cabal — and there are a lot of reports that these new negotiations are now reaching completion, though success is obviously not guaranteed.
You might be asking yourself, as I did, “Why would the banking cabal go along with all this?” To answer that, let’s look back at some relevant history because the relationship between the Elders and the cabal goes back centuries, but a hint of this dynamic is revealed by a few little-known occurrences. First, the Central Banking, debt-based money scam goes back several centuries to the founding of the Bank of England and the spread through Europe of the Rothschild family. U.S. President Andrew Jackson fought off assassination attempts for trying to prevent fiat money central banking in the U.S. Abraham Lincoln was assassinated shortly after he tried to get rid of fiat money. Fast forward to 1913, the Federal Reserve and the IRS are created in the same year and one century later, the purchasing power of the dollar has collapsed by more than 97%. In 1933, President Roosevelt confiscated the gold of all Americans to help repay secret debts to European central bankers. We’re being told that the Bretton Woods system itself was backed by borrowing from the Chinese against these vast gold holdings and repayment of these loans is greatly overdue. In 1963, President Kennedy issued Executive Order 11110 to issue dollars outside the Federal Reserve system and at the same time, he agreed to a deal with President Sukarno of Indonesia to use Asian gold troves to help stabilize the U.S. economy and to develop Asia and Africa. Shortly thereafter, as you know, he was assassinated. 1971 — President Nixon took away the gold backing of the dollar and now allowed money to be printed without anything real backing it and now the U.S. debt is almost $18 trillion. After the 2008 financial collapse in the first (for a long time) partial audit of the Fed it was discovered that they covertly gave away at least $16 trillion to domestic and foreign banks. For comparison, the entire US Gross Domestic Product last year was $16.2 trillion. Currently, the too-big-to-fail banks globally are carrying over $700 trillion in derivatives debt and the Federal Reserve has been printing tens of billions of dollars a month in fake money, putting the burden of repayment on us and on generations to come and calling it by the lovely name of “Quantitative Easing”. This is exactly the kind of thing that the Elders don’t want to happen all over the world.
China is buying huge amounts of gold in addition to the troves I mentioned earlier. The U.S. is usually indebted to China and Japan and with nuclear weapons and millions of soldiers, China can’t be pushed around like so many other countries that the U.S. has bullied. Countries around the world are beginning to reject the use of the U.S. dollars, backed by nothing but the promise of a broke, heavily indebted imperialist country. And, interestingly enough, repayments of hundreds of tons of gold that China had moved to the US for safekeeping is 15 years overdue and the first shipment of gold back to China was due on September 12, 2001. Yes, the day after 9/11, when the offices that were handling the pay arrangements in the Twin Towers and the Pentagon were destroyed. Bottom line: audits of Fort Knox and the New York Fed (our gold depositories in the U.S.) aren’t allowed. When Germany demanded their loan gold back recently, the U.S. refused. America apparently does not have enough gold to join the world in backing their currency. The Elders are offering a way out of this doomsday reality.
Based on these facts and on our educated speculation, let’s look now at possible scenarios. In a worst case (let’s call this one Plan B), the U.S. and the banking cabal resist the offer of the Elders to provide gold to back U.S. currency and they reject joining the rest of the world’s new asset-backed system and the associated humanitarian relief. America would be isolated, the war hawks try to stay imperialistic, they try to create false-flag events leading to World War III, and they continue to try to impose their police state to their last dying breath. The big banks and the U.S. government are broke, so this would mean the collapse of the dollar and complete social breakdown in the U.S. Not a pretty sight.
Or, more likely in my opinion, but certainly not guaranteed, Plan A. The Western cabal reluctantly agrees and goes along with the release of ample, historic funds for honest asset-backed money, currency resets, debt relief, and historic humanitarian projects. The dollar may still devalue and most likely there would be major transitional challenges, but in the long run, a much more stable economy without fake money and the Global Domination Agenda is cast out to the trash heap of history at last. In the U.S., there would be a switch from Federal Reserve Notes (debt notes) to asset-backed TRNs (Treasury Reserve Notes), which we’re being told are already being printed, and prosperity based on real money begins to be restored. Of course, in this scenario, we need to be alert to be a truly free and empowering world of equal rights for everyone and not just wind up under the thumb of some new world regime in some sort of global, royal hierarchy or communist tyranny. The Elders must be held carefully to their spoken covenant to use these vast gold troves to reboot the world for humanitarian benefit. Also, soon the fractional reserve banking system will need to disappear along with fiat money because they are both illegitimate partners in crime. I’m told by some who have visited with them that the Elders are truly profound beings, enlightened enough to know that most of this gold is not truly theirs — that in fact, much of it represents the plunder of centuries of war and that they’re just stewarding its careful return to the people of the world. I’m told that their core commitment, as opposed to controlling greed, is to the spiritual legacy of their families, their people, and to the peoples of the world and I hope that it’s true. This is not the People’s Republic of China. This is a separate entity.
What’s really going to happen? That depends on what the cabal does and what the Elders do and, in the long run, what people like you and I do. With all that’s going on that is so insidious, why would I think that this Plan A is more likely? Because there are very well informed insiders working on this with whom we’re in contact. These are not just some rumors on the Internet for us. These same people forewarned us about the coming of the BRICS bank, the revelations of the Libor interest rate and gold price-fixing scandals, the new TRNs and much more. The timing of this type of unfolding event is understandably uncertain, but confirmations of key intel just keep showing up. The BRICS alliance is a hugely significant move and the Asian gold troves, which the CIA has been trying to locate and steal for decades, are real. I know it can seem strange to open to the possibility of such vast and beneficial global transformation, but there is a lot of evidence that the world is re-organizing around the fundamental pattern of restoring the wholeness of natural systems. We’ve been studying these emerging global and economic changes intensely for the last three years and now it finally seems like the time to bring this conversation out into the light because so many of the verifiable predictions are now actually happening.
When we were making THRIVE, I used to think if a genie gave me three personal wishes, what would I wish for? The first one was that the film would be safely finished. We used encrypted communications and stayed under the radar, we went global in a day in 10 languages, and obviously THRIVE came out safely. My second wish was that there would still be an open Internet to spread THRIVE’s message worldwide. That too happened, especially with the help of anonymous computer whizzes and activists everywhere. My third wish, which seemed really outrageous at the time, was that there would be a force in the world powerful enough to checkmate and transcend the Global Domination Agenda of the Western banking cabal that we laid out in our film. I am amazed and encouraged that this too seems to be coming true.
I think one of the reasons that we the trust group and the agency are so optimistic is because of the exposure we get. THRIVE is out in so many languages now that we are exposed to people and movements from every continent. As a result, I feel like what happens is we’re able to see a pattern and the pattern that emerges is informed by specific incidences, but it’s a vantage that allows us to see that a new paradigm really is emerging. We see signs of that all the time.
Since THRIVE came out, we have been contacted by over 400 different inventors of breakthrough technologies in power and water purification and decontamination and agricultural efficiency and healing technologies. It’s not because these are easy things to be developing at this stage of the game. It’s because they know that as this old system crumbles, we are not going to be starting from scratch on solutions. These things, once fully empowered, are going to be able to get out all around the world and we’re really going to be able to hit the road running on this. It’s true of so many things that we see.
So what are some other signs that inform the pattern that creates the hopefulness for us, but also informs our solutions strategies? In just a few years, more than 55 countries have either banned or seriously restricted GMOs. That’s almost entirely from grass roots activists organizing. Many attempts to suppress the Internet by the government and corporations have been successfully averted. (People are staying awake on that one.) There are more than a dozen countries that have pro-actively released their UFO-related files. People have organized to effectively resist the mandatory tracking RFID chips and national ID cards. Over a million people around the world have officially said “No smart meters and have informed the utility companies that they’re not going for it. The whole toxic aerial spraying and climate geo-engineering is really coming into people’s attention and they’re organizing to figure out what’s really going on and get the truth about that and organizing to stop it. The non-pharmaceutically-controlled cancer cures are becoming much more available to people. For sure, the medical cannabis, but also others. There’s one I’ve been working with recently called GcMAF. (You can check it out at I’m super-excited about that one.) Big banks have been fined now for market-rigging and fraud and sure, the amount they have been fined is insufficient and the individuals haven’t been held accountable, but nonetheless, I think it’s significant because it takes this whole fraud and market-rigging out of conspiracy theory and into official acknowledgment and I think there’s going to be a lot more of that coming down the pike.
The other thing that I know warms my optimism is that the whole consciousness and activist movements are really coming together and sharing the wisdom and the experience of each. Another thing I love is that young people, in particular, are getting their news from different sources and are not getting bogged down by the mainstream distraction. I think that is related to something that I see with people all over, which is that I think we are increasingly questioning the accuracy of the image that we’ve been led to believe about ourselves. We’re really finding each other and those who recognize and believe in and are helping to manifest something different.
A lot of people can feel it, especially those who are engaged in helping to make things happen, and it’s the reason I/we are so excited for Thrive Together because our network is so intelligent. Each country is at a different stage in this evolutionary process so we can really learn from each other and I/we will be informed by the topics that you want me to address and your experience and insights and as well, we’ll be engaged in those that we’ve been studying and are engaged in right now and opening up our real-time research process with you. In addition to the topics that you suggest, I hope that we will are going to be able to convert this and other informative pieces that we’ll also be covering more of everything that is covered to a Wake Up America show which is a highly talked about program with tomorrows problems being covered today. We know that whole changing role of the United States in global affairs. Also, we’ll have people on who disagree, who have different worldviews and perspectives, but we’ll have a forum where we can speak respectfully and intelligently with one another on topics like climate change so that we can really figure out what is going on so that we can be prepared for whatever that is. We are going to be talking about the fact that the United States is actually a corporation as well as who owns it and what are the ramifications of that. We’ll be talking about new science and free energy and the other innovations that we’re connected to. We’ll get people in who are really informed about the whole UFO disclosure around the world and what’s going on with that and, also, the whole history and justification for authoritarian rule. How did the government and the cabal get the power that they have and how does the liberty perspective inform our understanding of that. And, also, our solutions. I’m really excited to unpack that one together. It’s the root of all of this that I think we really need to look at and I’m excited to.
The idea is that we’re going to get real-time interaction with you so that together we can develop a roadmap for transformation and really get specific, implementable stages of action and the principles behind them so that we can actually, together, get from where we are to where we need and want to be.
In addition to this type of sharing, we’re excited and eager for our real-time interactive calls with you and also to be addressing your questions and hearing your insights.
Question everything!
I’m sure we all sincerely hope this is true but the first thing that comes to mind is how the “Dragon” family is one of the factions behind this. Dragon = Draconian = Alpha Draconians. What is their agenda?
Secondly, debt forgiveness would have to be included in this proposition because the U.S. dollar is based on the lie of fractional reserve, which creates money out of thin air. Would the Dragon family’s money cover individual OR country debt forgiveness? Or both?
As long as there is money, we’re still economic slaves to a broken system, but like I mentioned in a recent article entitled, ” Karen Hudes: Dollar To Crash And Be Replaced With New, Interest Free, Gold-Backed Currency“, this would also be a step in the right direction until we transition out of money, entirely. This can be done right now through ideas such as Ubuntu and the Venus Project.
One must also ask if this is a distraction for something much larger going on behind the curtain?
Lastly, one must ask if this has anything to do regarding the establishment of a “one world currency” via the “New World Order”?
We’ve been financial slaves to a broken system since the inception of money and the banksters are literally laughing “all the way to the bank”.
As an eternal optimist, “I hope it happens” but similar to long-winded plans of NESARA that keep people believing without any real hope, I won’t hold my breath on it.
One thing that we can be sure of is that we’re not being told the whole truth by our world leaders and by those in any position of power, including the banking cartel and the main stream media.
All we can do is to hope for the best because the current system is broken and unsustainable.
About the Author:
The Honorable Sir Robert W. "Bobby" Hatfield Lowder, JD, ISF, CIF, Undersecretary of International Humanitarian and Financial Affairs, Global Ambassador, for the United Nations Global Infrastructure, Development and International Finance Agency. is the founder of First Capital Trading Group and co founder of Wake Up He is also a transformational speaker and promotes spiritual, metaphysical and esoteric conferences in the United States. His love and faith for humanity motivates him to work in humanity’s best interests 24 hours a day, 7 days a week through out the year.

Clay Douglas / Grandma VK Durham -Durham Trust

Clay Douglas / Grandma VK Durham -Durham Trust

The is now defunct and VK Durham is dead. But the information lives on.  Links to now lead only to a chinese webpage. "Instead of studying History..and learning from the Historic Past..these POWERFUL, PRIVILEGED CHILDREN OF 'THE RICH MEN'S CLUB', SHAH OF IRAN'S SON all playing the games of Pac-Man and Dungeons and Dragons- breaking the long established Rules of Civilized Nations. These young people have never in their lifetimes found it necessary to PAY for their mistakes.. They were born with SILVER SPOONS in their mouths.. Mother and Father's Attorney's would do the 'fixing'..Currently..these SPOILED RICH MENS KIDS game playing has brought us to WAR with Iraq and soon to be IRAN.. Other nations not so privileged 'sons' and daughters will be paying the price for what these RICH MENS KIDS have done.." VK Durham "I never gave anybody hell. I just told the truth, and they thought it was hell." Harry S. Truman

REPOST. UPDATE RE: ANGEL FERDINAND MARCOS AND ANOTHER INDIVIDUAL WHICH I WILL ASSUME IS FROM IRAQ WHO WRITES: Let US talk about the Security of the sites. Right now the Assets and Physical Gold are being stolen by the U.S. Forces which, they have about 15,000 troops in my country stealing my assets.


Posted on November 11, 2014 by V.K. Durham 
UPDATE RE: ANGEL FERDINAND MARCOS AND ANOTHER INDIVIDUAL WHICH I WILL ASSUME IS FROM IRAQ WHO WRITES: Let US talk about the Security of the sites. Right now the Assets and Physical Gold are being stolen by the U.S. Forces which, they have about 15,000 troops in my country stealing my assets.

Posted on November 10, 2014 by V.K. Durham Leave a comment

A new comment on the post “A. MARCOS Writes: I am the current M-! who can only explain the real history of the Gold that belong to My Father and the 200 royal families world that Struck and Karen Hudes are both off base together and, they are doing this to position their claimed about my gold that belong to ours families and other royal families AND THE CITIZEN OF THE WORLD..” is waiting for your approval

Author : Angel Ferdinand Marcos (IP: ,
E-mail : angelferdinandmarcostv

Whois :

VKD responds to first comment. I have been told by high level sources as soon as the US [CORPORATE] MILITARY gets their “take” on the IRAQI DINAR.. the dinar will fund. [who knows]

Let US talk about the Security of the sites. Right now the Assets and Physical Gold are being stolen by the U.S. Forces which, they have about 15,000 troops in my country stealing my assets. I have written to President Barrack Obama when He was just a Senator and when he First got elected in the office of President but unfortunately, he had used the knowledge to his advantage and did not bother to share with U.S. Citizens during that time, I have offered him assistance to release 1 trillion dollars in part to help implementing the Global debt Facility. During that time, the economy in the US was still going down. I was in the Custody of the United States special services with a different tag of Identity. I was tortured and denied access to proper legal Counsel, of Course with participation of the Homeland Security people. I have stayed in underground facilities in Super Max for 9 years in an 8×6 cell that was made out of metal and had to do everything there.
In total, 13 years of incarceration for a gun charge that is only a misdemeanor and the maximum they can do is 6 months to 12 months in prison by the relevant statute.
They managed to kidnap me and slapped me with National security excuses to do away with the violation of my constitutional rights and implementing their Kangaroo court and deciding in their favor. I now suffer from both colon cancer and cerebral cancer in no small part due to the treatment that I received at their hands. Unfortunately for them, such a condition only makes my case even more urgent and at the age of seventy-three, my need is to fulfill the last wishes of my Father as best as I can before it is too late. This is part of why after all these years I am finally coming forth and seeking to get as much as I can out in the open before it is too late.
Having to travel with a Diplomatic Passport and Charged with the Title 18 , 922 G. which is not applicable to me, even i have no Firearms, they Sentenced to with 12.1/2 years and superseded ,me with an additional 3,500 cases, 200 0f them RICO cases including money laundering. But, I did beat them all. God Is Good. I was given another chance to correct things in the right perspective. As a sovereign individual, I should be tried in Article 3 court, but i was not. They fed me with urine and s**t together. The sardines cost me 100 USD from the Guards in order for me to survive. They revived me 27 times in order for to be here now. You know that you can only take so much. I had three heart attacks and two strokes that were caused by their torture. This is why I am here to implement the LOI that is registered on all of the treaties that were signed by my father and me, with my Father’s signature as my Pseudo name because as a president, he can’t sign most of them because of his position. Those people who are trying to claim this have produced different identities like (William V. Morales , TVM, and other names in the accounts. Those are account names. I have used 850 Alias names or pseudo name to do away with the system. These are not real persons. It was me who was signing all alone. I have mirrors of the accounts in different banks and countries. Using back-to-back loan procedures. I do level 5 to 7 level of finance which they only teach us level 4 all around the world in the schools. I have a total of 25,000 accounts and 850 sub accounts and 7 of my master accounts and 4 mother accounts including our Physical Gold and a vast amount of money totaling 39 digits and there only 69m digits in this world but there are only a total of 39 digits that can be used to develop our planet and give humanity the best life in the world.
So how much money do we need in this world? I wanted to share this for the humanity, implementing my father wishes and the LOI that were recovered from the sites. After discovering the underground Bunkers, I was kind embarrassed with our generation because, we develop only 6.9 percent of the world were the first generation to have developed at lease more than 50%. They manage to travel to other planets and places and put marks of people in this Planet. We have total of 69 digits in the system which is why we are fighting and having 700 million that don’t eat in this world. We need to put this money back into the hands of the people and distribute and assign it again to be used for Humanity and divided then in 400 countries and kingdoms.

11/10/14 UPDATE.

McArthur set up the USA Japan corporation. Everyone thought when it said made in USA it meant Made in America. Had it been it would have been Made in the U.S.A. This USA CORPORATION was allowed access to the U.S. TREASURY using the men of the original OSS which became OSI then CIA.

My husbands involvement is the reason I was kidnapped in order for these individuals to find the “keys” to open all of those accounts he alleged to control for Marcos and the SABBAH-ZULU KINGDOMS.

I believe we have the keys as to why I remain in a ‘kidnap’ situation.


A. MARCOS Writes: I am the current M-! who can only explain the real history of the Gold that belong to My Father and the 200 royal families world that Struck and Karen Hudes are both off base together and, they are doing this to position their claimed about my gold that belong to ours families and other royal families AND THE CITIZEN OF THE WORLD..
Posted on November 9, 2014 by V.K. Durham Leave a comment


The World Bank is the Number One violator and the Federal Reserve Bank, the US Dept. of Treasury, IMF, AND BIS. THE GROUP OF BANKERS ASSOCIATIONS AND OTHER WORLD BODY. If you look at the Charter of the United Nations, IMF and World Bank and also the Breton wood Convention and what they are all about, the obligations were issued to create a surplus of money to rebuild war-torn countries and to develop the economies globally for the benefit of ALL mankind. That is one of the main reasons that my Father assigned and transferred gold in so many nations. A total of 172 countries currently contain portions of the Marcos family gold and other assets and holdings all in order to help the world.

[VKD. read

[SNIP. The illegal transactions are also linked to the murder of a U.S. Army colonel charged with overseeing approximately 175 secret CIA bank accounts, according to the officer’s wife, Mrs. V. K. Durham. During multiple interviews, Durham told that Bush 41 and Clinton administration officials visited her husband Colonel Russell Hermann several times in the months prior to and three days before his torture and murder on August 29, 1994.]


Mar 19, 2004 – R. BANKING SYSTEM; Also HIJACKED “IRAN’S BANK ACCOUNTS, … Russell Herman (Herrmann) was “sprayed” as he mowed the front lawn, next to the highway … MI6 and BLACK OPS U.S. NAVAL INTELLIGENCE: The entire operation … (American citizens) to be used for human experimental purposes.

THE PROMISE & THE COUNT DOWN – the antechamber


There is a Codicil to Russell Herman’s Will in the Document Section … Charles E. Grassley) which is used for FUNDING BLACK OPS OPERATIONS, and etc. … Bolivia, Chile, Argentina, Japan, China etc operating under various names such as Al … ACCOUNTS” will soon be made public, if this BULL SHIT DOES NOT STOP!
Missing: ubs
PUBLIC NOTICE – the antechamber

Ref: Russell Herrmann aka Russell Herrman aka Russell Herman; Matters of Estate, and … and Identity Theft, being used by the Underwriters of the Al Qaeda, Al Qaieda, … INVESTMENT CORPORATION (former U.S. Contra Accounts Corp), THE … This BLACK OPS operation of the DISSIDENT MUSLIM MILITANTS known …

Missing: name ubs

Apr 14, 2006 – REMEMBER A GUY BY THE NAME OF “RUSSELL HERMAN?” … REMEMBER WHO’S “COLLATERAL” WAS TRIED TO BE USED VIA A … and a total black out of what was really going on behind the scenes of the case.
Missing: ops ubs


Feb 19, 2007 – Russell Herrman aka Herman to get control over something to legitimize their ‘OWO’ … After Clinton Etal got their feet in the Russian Door..they used the Russian … When I look at the TREASURY NUMBERS on these accounts called the … ]..and now that all of this BLACK OPS crap has been exposed.

Marcos continues. Please be informed that my Father and I are both Sovereign in Status and also have received Global Immunity to possess and obtain these assets from the very beginning as they are all Sovereign Wealth. It belongs to two-hundred royal families as it has for the last four-thousand years. Please go back and review the records of Task Force Rainbow which was a military operation led by General Douglas Macarthur with the cooperation of the OSS on April 5 of 1933. MY FATHER BECAME A MEMBER OF OSS IN 1941 TO RECOVER ASSETS THAT BELONG TO THE MAHARLIKA KINGDOM WHICH IS THE CENTER OF THE GOLD TRADE CENTER THAT WAS STARTED WAY BACK 4600 YEARS OLD. In the meantime, the US government has only used the information about the Yamashita Gold so that they could unlawfully capture and control the treasures, gold and other assets that they recovered after the Japanese occupation ended rather than returning those assets to their rightful owners.

Now, those players like General Lansdale and Jose Diaz Santa Romana were originally members of the OSS and later became members of the CIA. MY FATHER CONTINUED THE OPERATION WHEN MACARTHUR ABANDONED US AND DECIDED TO GO TO AUSTRALIA. HE TOOK 4000 TONS OF GOLD TO AUSTRALIA AND DECIDED NOT TO TELL TRUTH TO WASHINGTON. MY FATHER MANAGED TO SEND I METRIC TONS OF GOLD. That is the only time that the US and Allied Nations believed that the world wealth was still sitting in the Philippines. When Macarthur and my Father went to Japan and captured Prince Chichibu and the other generals of the Japanese Imperial Army and made a deal with Emporor Hirohito that all people involved should cooperate fully to release all of the maps and other information regarding the Japanese looting of the gold and other assets. At that time, the Japanese and Allied Nations were only concerned about the war loot of the Japanese from China and the other Asian countries that were occupied by Imperial Japan. I became part of that task force when I was only eight years old in the year 1950 when my father used to take the Japanese soldiers and other government officials to explain how their operations were conducted. After my tour of duty in Vietnam as a member of the elite intelligence units and as a operative for the CIA, I started a Task Force Restoration in order to revive and renew the efforts started by my father under Task Force Rainbow. Task force restoration was composed of 3000 men where task force rainbow was composed of only 1000 men and another two task forces were lead by Orlando Dulay whose task force was Masagana. Task Force Liwayway was lead by Fabian C. Ver. Three task forces were stabilized and with the cooperation of the CIA, I managed to create different accounts and also different deposits, some of which were transported outside the country in to a total of 56 countries.

It was during that operation when i was directly responsible for the discovery of the other sites and deposits when I fell on one of the deposit areas 600 meters down on the underground river and when i came out, i discovered this under ground City underneath the Japanese sites in the Mountainous places of Marag Valley. I saw a bunker that seemed to be floating in the air and it had it s own electricity and its own air ventilation inside, automated … a rather odd feature at such an early date. The bunkers were made out of a strange metal, which when i managed to open them , inside, were much more advanced and sophisticated in nature and when we did the carbon dating on one of the gold deposits. it was dated and shown to be 4,700.years old. We have total of 263 underground bunkers, 172 underground vault and 850 sites.
We are talking about several million metric tons of gold. We only declared 1,5 million metric tons. so, if this knowledge of mine was shared with the world which is what I want. our world will become a better world.

My request to the government body and international organizations is to allow me to share the funds world wide and let me use them for development and humanitarian causes and also to elevate the status of people. Removed poor people will became middle class and we will also create another class which is super rich.
am working to introduce the initial Global debt Facility and Global Debt Forgiveness Program and a redistribution of funds through a credit Card System. 1 million USD for each citizen of the world, though It can only be used for Education of his /Her Children, medical or Health, housing for families and for food. Other programs are in the works as well though this one is one of the first that will be implemented. [END]

V.K. Durham

Submitted on 2014/11/09 at 10:05 am | In reply to Angel Ferdinand Marcos.

Thank you for writing about the Marcos situation. My husband worked closely with Marcos and the placement of the gold around the world, check it out.. his name was Col. Russell Herrman-Herman. That being said I will further state Karen Hudes is another US DISINFORMATION PLANT just as the Doris and E.J. Ekker of the Global Alliance Investment corporation which caused so many problems in the Global Banking, Financial and Global Economics with Non Authorized Gold Collateral allegedly authorized by my husband i.e., Russell Herman when the man owned nothing, nothing at all.

Please read the following, to wit;

Posted on April 1, 2014 by V.K. Durham Leave a comment


WHERE DID THE PHILIPPINE GOLD GO? March 7, 1995. Hon. Sofronio C. Sayo, Presiding Judge signed and sealed MANILLA CT. ORDERS Sheriffs to collect/withdraw/confiscate all Gold Bullion including its cash deposits which are in the account of the late President Ferdinand E. Marcos

August 4, 1993
GAO United States General Accounting Office August 4, 1993
Testimony Before the Committee on Governmental Affairs United States Senate FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT
First Financial Audits of IRS and Customs
Revealed Serious Problems
Statement of Charles A. Bowsher Comptroller General of the United States read more:

[ON A PERSONAL NOTE; Sounds as though a “whole lot of scrambling is going on” and nothing to fall back on but murder, money laundering, economic espionage, financial terrorism involving the parties who failed the agreement with the feds to split 50-50 all monies taken down off shore by forgery and fraud involving the alleged MARCOS GOLD and black and white copies of the following to wit;
DOCUMENTATION/VALIDATION OF Durham (Intl. Ltd;) Holding Trust, Tias 12087 Documents of Recorded Record .

I truly miss those days working with Sherman Skolnick whom I met through my husband Russell Herrman-Herman years ago as he and Sherman also worked on investigating the Chicago LaSalle Banking Corruption tied directly to the White House Executive Branch and US HOUSE AND SENATE MEMBERS. V.K.D.]


Posted By: igots2no [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 1-Apr-2014 08:58:16

Dear Dimce,
Reference to the Bilateral Minesfield Breakthrough Successor Agreement.
Previously I have stated that there are discrepancies between our Official Copy of the said document and that which Wolfgang Struck has publicly displayed, even the additional Page 1 Struck later displayed that shows a difference even to the Page 1 he previously displayed.
Please allow me to address some very important issue reference to this document.
This Agreement was entered into and executed under the Law of the Philippines, not International Treaty Law / International Law, so at the time it was subject only to Philippine Law.
That is very strange in itself because from 1945 when the Trilateral Trillenium Tripartite Gold Commission (TTTGC) were appointed as Administrators and Managers of all assets of the Collateral Collateral Accounts, such assets were under the direct and inviolate control of the TTTGC, subject only to the Seal and Signature of the Master Holder at the time which was Ferdinand Marcos.
If one reviews the document there is no seal or the three signatures of the TTTGC, so this agreement was, based upon the above factors, unlawful.
This was further proven several times over the succeeding years via various Court cases in the Philippines brought by the Tallano Family who claimed that these assets together with large tracts of land in the Philippines, belonged to them.
Ferdinand Marcos successfully defended these actions by the Tallano Family, proving that the Tallano Family held no legal right to either the assets of the large Tracts of Land in the Philippines.
This is a very long story which spans centuries, whereas it derives from when the Spanish seceded ownership of the Philippines to America, who in 1946 seceded ownership (By Philippine Independence) to the Philippine People.
Furthermore, this agreement was written on the letterhead, of the time, of the Central Bank of the Philippines who held no authority to enter into such an agreement. This is further supported with documentary evidence by the fact that Jose Antonio Diaz (aka Severino Sta. Romana) was a CIA operative and Vatican Ambassador who had worked with General MacArthur and General Lansdale stealing these assets from the Philippines virtually following their secretion by the Japanese in caves, purpose built tunnels, and bunkers based upon the 1920/1 London Treaty.
In fact there were numerous companies purposely incorporated by Severino Sta Romana whom became the owners of the stolen assets. Those companies are, and have been for decades, part of the Collateral Accounts after being sequestrated as stolen property.
I won’t enter into further explanation of this matter because I have stated it all before within some very long articles.
This agreement was invalid and unenforceable under the 1945 side Treaty to the Bretton Woods Treaty that initiated and institutionalised the TTTGC.
This unlawful factor was also noted, and an Official Copy attached to the 1976 Private Agreements between Ferdinand Marcos (Master Holder and known as M1) and the successor to Ferdinand Marcos (the new Master Holder Holder and now known as M1). This was not a singular issue as other unlawful agreements by the World Bank, UN and various Agents of America, were also attached to the 1976 Private Agreements.
The basic content and principles of this agreement where later incorporated within the 1980 Treaty Agreements which was executed by 746 official representatives of 203 countries, plus the World Bank Group, the IMF, The European Central Bank, The International Criminal Court, The Financial Action Task Force, International Court of Justice, and all the International Development Banks. The content of this 1980 agreement is enlightening and certainly revealing because all the signatories agreed, confirmed and assented to Ferdinand Marcos’s position as Master Holder and M1 and his full legal rights as Master Holder and M1.

This 1980 Treaty Agreement was initiated by Ferdinand Marcos whereby the execution of same by countries was suspended when Marcos was removed as President and effectively arrested by the Americans, later dying in 1989.
Execution of this Treaty Agreement resumed in the mid 1990’s after the UN and World Bank Group had inserted specific impostors, such as Anthony Santiago Martin (The original ASM having died 3 years before the death of Marcos), so that they (the World Bank Group, the UN and the IMF, could control, unlawfully, the Collateral Accounts contrary to the 1988 Agreements and the 1995 Treaty Agreements between Nations and the later 2012 Treaty Agreements between Nations.

I keep reiterating the fact that people can not take just one small part of this whole issue and believe they have the whole story. Such a situation is absolutely impossible, yet people like Struck, Keenan, Hudes, and others continuously insist they have the authority or they have the whole picture.
If any of these people enter into any Agreements / Contracts / Powers of Attorney / Trusteeship, etc, such documents are not worth the paper they are written on, and the people involved hold no power, control, or authority whatsoever over the Collateral Accounts or any assets of the Collateral Accounts.

Let me continue with this BILATERAL MINESFIELD BREAKTHROUGH SUCCESSOR AGREEMENT that has suddenly become paramount in the eyes of Struck and Hudes.

There are several discrepancies between the Official Copy that we hold and what Struck has publicly displayed.

. Well done RJC. The CLOAKED IN SECRECY stamp appears to be a Photoshop job. The Font used on Struck’s documents is slightly different to the actual stamp on the Official Copy. Not only is The CLOAKED IN SECRECY on Struck’s copy slightly smaller, its positioning is slightly different also.

The CLOAKED IN SECREY is not actually stamped on page 6 of the Official Copy of the document, yet it appears of Struck’s copy. On the Official Copy is a Legal Seal underneath of which is the date stamp 1950.

. On the Official Copy and set within 3 separate sections are the words “For the Time Being”, whereas on Struck’s copy this has either been removed or replaced with “For a Time Being”. The legal difference between “a” and “the” is quite significant.

. On the Signature Page (Page 5) of the Official copy there is a different type of Legal Seal affixed on the Right Hand side of the Page. There is no seal of Struck’s copy.

. Again on the signature Page (Page 5) the Official Copy the position of the wording “Page 5 – 6” is lower in position that that shown of Struck’s copy in which it is shown a lot higher in position. At the same time the “The CLOAKED IN SECRECY” stamp is slightly higher on the page of Struck’s copy which gives a larger space between “Page 5 – 6” and “The CLOAKED IN SECRECY” on Struck’s copy than that shown of the Official Copy.

There are other small discrepancies as well but I believe from what is stated above, we can unquestionably assume that Struck’s copy is a Fake / Forgery (Filipinos are very good at forging documents) and of no significance, legal or otherwise, whatsoever.
Even if Struck insists that he has an original copy, the mere fact is, is that it is not legally valid or enforceable based upon the 1976, 1980, 1988, 1995, 2012 Treaties / Agreements as such documents were all superseded by the Treaties / Agreements as dated above.
There is one last point that I wish to mention here, being that the document is “CLOAKED IN SECRECY” or supposed to be, yet on Page 6 of 6 we find that the document has been Notarised (Atty. Fred Ruiz Castro PTR No: 8369769) whereby such Notarisation registers the document whereby Notary Registers are open to the public and therefore it makes the document public which is totally contradicting the “The CLOAKED IN SECRECY” factor. The document can not be both. It is either “CLOAKED IN SECRECY” or “Notarised and Public”.
The question here is WHY did Karen Hudes, as former Senior Legal Counsel for the World Bank, not recognise this fact, thus allowing herself and Struck to be ridiculed, and rightly so as it turns out.

That’s all I need to say on the matter.

David P. Crayford.

and I agree, Mrs. Col. Russell Herrman-Herman aka
V.K. Durham, CEO Durham (Intl. Ltd;) Holding Trust, Tias 12087