Monday, May 27, 2024

Pascal Najadi: The Intense Enforcement of Covid Vaccines - It Isn't Over, Folks! Get Ready! (Video) | Alternative

Pascal Najadi: The Intense Enforcement of Covid Vaccines - It Isn't Over, Folks! Get Ready! (Video) | Alternative:   by N.Morgan (Turn off VPN, as it can block certain videos, like Rumble)   It is good to hear Pascal Najadi's testimony. I sense a hero's urgency to inform.     Everyone needs to hear this and share it widely! It's ain't over, Folks! Not by a long shot!     ...

Thursday, May 9, 2024

New Benjamin Fulford: The White Hats Have Won: The United States and Israel Will Cease To Exist; World Peace Will Begin | Prophecy

New Benjamin Fulford: The White Hats Have Won: The United States and Israel Will Cease To Exist; World Peace Will Begin | Prophecy: Written Report from Ben Fulford The white hats have won the secret war for the planet Earth. We are now in an interregnum. However, not much will be visible to the public until preparatory work for new institutions and world norms is finished. Public announcements are likely in the autumn....

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes & Sarah Westall: Dropping NEW Bombshells About TRUMP and the REPUBLIC. (Video) | Alternative

Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes & Sarah Westall: Dropping NEW Bombshells About TRUMP and the REPUBLIC. (Video) | Alternative:   by N.Morgan (Turn off VPN, as it can block certain videos, like Rumble)   Meri interviews Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes whose video went viral on the GB NEWS NETWORK and Sarah Westall of BUSINESS GAME CHANGERS with a serious conversation of Where we are at in the COUNTRY and what we can...

Saturday, May 4, 2024

JFK Jr. Goes Public- Has Had Enough- Spills The Beans & Masks Come Off!! | Crime All-Stars

JFK Jr. Goes Public- Has Had Enough- Spills The Beans & Masks Come Off!! | Crime All-Stars:   Hello Everyone, I have a story to tell Beginning in the late ’80s, the infamous sex trafficker and the president (and their mutual friend Ghislaine Maxwell) palled around for almost two decades.  Ghislaine Maxwell saw Donald Trump as a vital connection for her then boyfriend Jeffrey Epstein early on....

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

A Found NASA Document Reveals Plans to Kill All Humanity by 2025 - Advanced Weapons to Be Used (Video) | Alternative

A Found NASA Document Reveals Plans to Kill All Humanity by 2025 - Advanced Weapons to Be Used (Video) | Alternative:   by N.Morgan (Turn off VPN, as it can block certain videos, like Rumble)   Fact Checkers calls this a conspiracy theory but then again Fact Checkers is a government hired organization that lies about anything to do with the Truth.     Deborah Tavares tells you about the plan to kill...