Sunday, February 13, 2011

Bases 4 Part 1 MI6 AGENT-James Casbolt. & Matt Todd

For your own protection:  The contents of this interview are SEVERE, and the use of The Violet Flame invocation for protection is highly recommended.  

'Beloved Mighty I AM Presence, beloved Alpha and Omega in the heart of God in our Great Central Sun; beloved Saint Germain; Portia; Archangel Zadkiel and  Holy Amethyst; Arcturus and Victoria; Kuan Yin-Goddess of Mercy; beloved Mother Mary and Jesus the Christ, Great Karmic Board, the spirit of the White Brotherhood and the Lords of Karma; the Blessed World Mother; Elemental earth, air, wind, and fire: 

In the name, and by the power and authority of my own MIGHTY I AM PRESENCE and Holy Christ Self, and on behalf of all Lightbearers, I command there be a great swelling of the Violet Transmuting Flame in, through, and around my four lower bodies; and in through and around the planetary bodies of our beloved Solar system and the EARTH! 

Doubling this action of the Violet flame each hour, filling the interior of our beloved EARTH, with the powerful and roaring action of the Violet Fire, creating within it such a pressure of energy it is forced out in every direction through the substance and structure of the planet. 

Seeing that it pours through all caves, through all caverns, and through all subterranean passages, into all ritual and prisoner spaces, through all underground, and above ground Military bases, dissolving all of the old records, dissolving all of the old densities, and dissolving all carnal creations of man, and of beings, or entities who are here to do HARM. Seeing also that this action of the Violet FIRE forces out all misqualified energies, and oppositions, or enemies of the Divine Plan of Creator for myself, and for all mankind. 

Calling on Christ, calling on Holy Spirit, Our true Ascended Masters, and the Ascended HOST, forcing out all sources of pain including demons, devils, discarnates, negative entities, or elementals, negative psychic,or astral forces, black magicians, black witches, black warlocks, and all false impostors of the Holy Spirit, and of the Spiritual Hierarchy, and the impostors of Ascended Masters, and any and all beings or consciousnesses lacking in enough LOVE and LIGHT to guide and protect, and see that they are all seized, bound, and removed from this planet forever and disposed of according to God’s most Holy Will. 

Seeing also that this great blowtorch action of the Violet Flame fills our planet's atmosphere and beyond the moon, beyond Mars, all the way to the stars. Allowing not one atom to escape its purging power. 

ALLOWING also the Gnomes, Sylphs, Salamanders, Sprites, and all beloved Elemental Nature spirits be stripped of their own densities and discordant energies or pollutions, which have been imposed upon them by mankind through this transmutative action of the Violet Flame. 

ALLOWING also that all mankind bathes in this great sea of Violet Fire until all of their four lower bodies are completely cleansed and purified forever. 

See that all of the purified energy is taken by angels and used for the freedom of the Elemental kingdom and the Lightbearers. And let all spaces that are vacant after this purging now be filled with an ever-increasing Light until the MOMENT of COMPLETE FREEDOM and ASCENSION OF ALL BEINGS. 

Establish this Mighty Tidal Wave of Violet Fire in the atmosphere of earth and see that it rolls around the planet with ever-increasing power, force, and action, rolling back and reversing the tide of all that cannot come into the Golden Age. 

ALLOWING this FLAME of Violet FIRE burn through all misqualification of God’s pure energy, back through the cause and core of every spiral of degeneration of the seed of evil in the brains, minds, and consciousness of all upon this planet, consuming it forever. 
And we thank thee and accept that it is done according to God’s Most HOLY WILL

So far this remains the only main interview with James. We know Project Camelot tried and failed to get Barry King and Casbolt interviews. This complete part will only be made available for a short time. High quality DIVX version can be downloaded from website soon.  James is joined with even more supporting comment from Matt Todd of Casbolt greatly expands on Barry King's statements about the terrible programmes claimed to be going on in the UK Bases at Peasemore, under RAF Welford in Berkshire. MILABs Mind Control numerous population control projects, all done in conjunction with the Greys, and the Reptilians. Casbolt claims that children as young as five are murdered, so the remaining kids are shocked into a mind-controllable state. This tactic was used by the Spartans. 

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